How Much $ Should You Withhold Until Your Project Is Complete?

How much of the contract sum should you withhold from your contractor until your project is complete?

How do you get the leverage you need to ensure your project is finished per your contract?

In the contract with your contractor, you want to include a pre-determined amount of money to withhold (retainage) from the final payment, and here are the things you need to know to do that successfully…

5 minute read time... but worth every second!

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How to protect yourself from crappy contractors

Everyone has heard a horror story (or seven) about some poor homeowner who got screwed over by a contractor in varying degrees of severity. First, let me say that most contractors are not bad apples. However, as a homeowner you need to step up to the plate, do your homework, and trust your gut. While I am not equipped to help you with your gut, I can give you a list of required homework assignments......

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Yes, you can add a second story!

To some of you, this topic might sound a bit random when compared to the other broader topics in my blogs. I select the subject matter based on the number of times I’m asked a particular question. I have not only heard this one over and over, but the fact that so many people are asking if they can add a second story means they don’t understand the process in the first place. You’ll see what I mean in a minute.

4 minute read time

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How to select your contractor


I’m sure you’ve found some random articles online like, “The 5 questions you need to ask contractors”, or “The 3 things you need to look out for when selecting a contractor”. If not, you should go find some, as there are millions of them, and most of them are helpful. I want to focus on something else here....

Read time: 4 minutes

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It doesn't need to come from a magazine to make you happy!

It has become the social norm to poo-poo images of beautiful, skinny, perfect looking women in magazines and belabor the point that the photos are ‘Photo-shopped’ and manipulated to look amazingly perfect. Why is it then that so many people see images of perfect Living Rooms overflowing with cookie cutter pillows that match the vases, which match the rug, that match the light fixture, and believe THAT is supposed to be the perfection to strive for? 

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